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Feast Music Page

"Singing hymns has always been an integral part of Christian worship. Singing Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs helps us develop a closer relationship with our Creator by directing our thoughts toward God and His eternal purpose for the human family. Singing helps unify the congregation in an inspirational endeavor which draws us closer together as God's united spiritual family."
"As part of God's family, let us enthusiastically "serve the Lord with gladness", lifting our voices in united praise. Let us humbly and gratefully "come before His presence with singing."
Preface to 1993 WCG Hymnal
We are looking for song leaders, choir members and special music performers. If this is you, please contact us. Thanks
We will be using the 1993 WCG Hymnal for our Feast Song Services. If you have one at home, please bring it with you so that we will have enough hymnals.
Here is a link to an online version
Feast Songs
Below you will find many of the Psalms and Hymns that we will be singing for this year's Feast.
All Things Are Ready, Come to the Feast!
Proclaim Holy Convocations
00:00 / 02:43
00:00 / 01:55
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